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Any plans for a re-release of the physical product?

(2 edits)

Yes. Sort of. I intend to create a second edition or a "definitive edition" at least.

1) Part of the difficulty here is that Rage in Hell was designed in Adobe Creative Suite. Unfortunately I have divorced from Adobe (because of their predatory pricing practices. And later on, I took umbrage with their use of AI). So I would be recreating a good chunk of everything in Affinity instead (but that would happen anyway, cuz I need to update the art, etc). 

2) Is Rage in Hell better served as a Zine...or as a Boardgame? That's a question I ask myself. Because it's not that much harder to make it, say, a card game. But would it lose something of itself if it was a boardgame? And if I go a boardgame route...why not just make a new game/sequel? When is a "new edition" too different that it should rightly be a different game? 

So while my mind chew on those questions, I continue to work away on my other TTRPG projects (stay tuned, some really exciting stuff coming).


After losing twice during my first attempts, I finally got a lucky run and managed to start with the Giant Effin' Sword. 

The run ended spectacularly by rolling a natural 20 with a EMO Grenade, on an enemy only vulnerable to fire, that had just ambushed me on the previous encounter.

I don't think it can get any better than this.

The only comment I have is about the run duration. I felt that 15 encounters was a bit too long. I'll probably try to shorten it the next time. 

Overall, had a great time with it and can't wait to try it again.

*whistle* Talk about the perfect combo.

Yes, please do adapt to your play preferences. 

And thank you so much for playing! And for reviewing and commenting (why is nobody commenting ;_;). It means a lot to me and gives me validation for what I do.