
Update v1.2

This is a very minor update, chiefly fixing

- Slate was misgendered in a passing sentence. I referred to Slate as a "he", of course Hearthian are asexual and have no gender (unlike the Nomai, which have male and female distinctions). 

- In the text above the Additional Equipments table, I said that many features of the canon Hearthian technology base aren't as advanced yet, as such the camera is not part of the scout launcher. However, the Camera is in fact, part of the Scout Launcher in the equipment description below. I had forgotten I made that change at the last minute for convenience (because what was the point of launching probes if there was no camera?). This has been clarified. 


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Feb 09, 2022
Printer Friendly v1.2.pdf 771 kB
Feb 09, 2022

Get Outer Wilds— Other Tales

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